Applications must be submitted by 5pm on Friday, January 5First and Last Name(Required) GVEA Account #(Required) GVEA Service Address(Required) Email(Required) Primary Phone Number(Required) Secondary Phone Number How long have you lived in the interior?(Required) What is or has been your involvement and/or familiarity with the needs of the interior?(Required)Do you have the time to attend quarterly Board of Trustees meetings?(Required)YesNoPossiblyIf you answered "possibly" to the previous question, please explain. Describe your experience with other non-profit/philanthropic organizations.(Required)Describe your relevant business/professional experience.(Required)Describe the current personal activities with which you are involved.(Required)What is your reason for desiring a position on the Goodcents Board of Trustees?(Required)Consent(Required) I hereby verify the information to be true and complete. I understand that by typing my full name and pressing the Submit button, this form submission will be stamped with today’s date and authorized by me as if I had signed my signature.Electronic Signature (Full Name)(Required) CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.